I will usually be able to give you an indication on the cost involved for your transaction. In order to do this, you will need to let me know:
- What service you require – for example: attesting signatures, certifying copy documents, obtaining legalisation etc.
- The type of document that needs to be notarised.
- Who is signing the document and, if the person is signing on behalf of a company, what authority do they have to do so?
- How many documents are there?
- Which country is the notarised document going to be sent to?
If the matter is simple I will endeavour to charge a fixed fee to include disbursements such as legalisation fees, postage, consular agent fees, courier fees, travelling expenses, translating costs and so on.
For more complicated or time-consuming matters my fee will be based on my hourly rate of £300 plus disbursements. I periodically review my hourly rate to reflect various factors including increases in overhead costs and inflation. If a review is carried out before your matter is concluded then I will inform you of any change in my hourly rate.
My fee charged may include time spent on preliminary advice, drafting and preparation time, making and receiving telephone calls, correspondence written and received in all formats, arranging legalisation and record keeping.
I do not charge VAT.
In the course of acting for you I may need to incur various expenses, including UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office fees, consular/embassy fees, agents fees, travel costs, mileage allowance in accordance with HMRC’s prevailing rate, postage charges, couriers’ charges, bank charges and unusual stationary costs which will all be recharged to you.
General points
Occasionally unforeseen or unusual issues arise during the course of the matter which may result in a revision of my fee estimate. Examples of this could include where additional documents are required to be notarised, additional translations or legalisations are needed to meet the requirements of the receiving jurisdiction, third party fees are adjusted to reflect external factors such as fuel price changes and so on. I will notify you of any changes in the fee estimate as soon as possible.
When you instruct me jointly with others, I am entitled to look at any one or more of you to pay the whole of the charges and disbursements that you jointly incur.
Please note that I cannot be held responsible for any documents which may be lost in the post/courier.
Please also note that once we have agreed an appointment date and time, if you cancel your appointment or fail to attend your appointment then you must pay to me an amount in proportion to the work which I have performed which will be at least £150.00 and this proportion will not be reimbursed to you.
It is important to note that seeing a notary public is far more than a mere rubber-stamping exercise and the cost involved reflects the great care that a notary public takes at every stage of the process to minimise the risk of error, omissions, alterations, fraud, forgery, money laundering etc and also the fact that they notary public will, amongst other things, often need to liaise with your foreign lawyer or representative, advise on requirements for this country and draft a notarial certificate.